NVIDIA / CUDALibrarySamples
CUDA Library Samples
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CUDA Library Samples
Instant neural graphics primitives: lightning fast NeRF and more
FlashInfer: Kernel Library for LLM Serving
how to optimize some algorithm in cuda.
🎉CUDA 笔记 / 高频面试题汇总 / C++笔记,个人笔记,更新随缘: sgemm、sgemv、warp reduce、block reduce、dot product、elementwise、softmax、layernorm、rmsnorm、hist etc.
NCCL Tests
WholeGraph - large scale Graph Neural Networks
RAFT contains fundamental widely-used algorithms and primitives for machine learning and information retrieval. The algorithms are CUDA-accelerated and form building blocks for more easily writing high performance applications.
[ARCHIVED] Cooperative primitives for CUDA C++. See https://github.com/NVIDIA/cccl
TorchSparse: Efficient Training and Inference Framework for Sparse Convolution on GPUs.
cuGraph - RAPIDS Graph Analytics Library
Causal depthwise conv1d in CUDA, with a PyTorch interface